Looking to procure an asphalt roller or soil compactor for your department? We are happy to announce that SAKAI America is once again a Contractor in the nationwide HGACBuy cooperative list. We are a Contractor on the Street Maintenance Equipment Contract SM10-20 (current as of 2024) which includes all types of paving equipment & compaction equipment for soil site prep jobs.

If you are unfamiliar with this buying program, it is a procurement cooperative supporting the government and municipality end-user community within the United States similar to SourceWell. It is open to: cities, states, counties, federal departments, councils, agencies, schools, colleges, universities, utilities districts, port/water/airport/river/toll authorities, and non-profits providing government function or service.

How does this benefit your agency?

  • Save Time – all HGAC contracts were awarded after a competitive bid or RFP
  • Save Money – negotiated pricing of off list price
  • Once and Done – sign up once and never have to reapply again

5 Easy Steps to buy a SAKAI through HGAC:

  1. Complete the HGAC ILC (Interlocal Contract) form online (only need to do this once, ever)
  2. Use the request price quote buttons on the model pages here on SakaiAmerica.com to request pricing OR find your local SAKAI dealer to contact for your HGAC discount. A variety of optional equipment is available.
  3. Submit a signed PO directly to SAKAI America by e-mail
  4. We will send that to HGACBuy who will then send both of us an order confirmation to proceed
  5. Pay SAKAI America directly (W9 available)